Industrial ecosystem

White paper: UWB for Industrial Use Cases

Get our EMV PCD L1 Type Approval best practices document where we provide detailed guidance and recommendation on how the contactless antenna in Point of Sale devices should be designed in order to be compliant with the EMV PCD L1 approval process

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nfc wearables smart watch

White paper: Considering NFC for a wearable?

Get our EMV PCD L1 Type Approval best practices document where we provide detailed guidance and recommendation on how the contactless antenna in Point of Sale devices should be designed in order to be compliant with the EMV PCD L1 approval process

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Will your wearable pass EMV certification?

Get our EMV PCD L1 Type Approval best practices document where we provide detailed guidance and recommendation on how the contactless antenna in Point of Sale devices should be designed in order to be compliant with the EMV PCD L1 approval process

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external document

EMV – PCD L1 Type Approval best practices

Get our EMV PCD L1 Type Approval best practices document where we provide detailed guidance and recommendation on how the contactless antenna in Point of Sale devices should be designed in order to be compliant with the EMV PCD L1 approval process

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