Since NXP co-invented NFC more than 10 years ago, the tap-and-go technology has arrived to millions of smartphones, tablets and other consumer electronics, and it is growing day by day.

There will be more than 1.7 billion NFC-enabled smartphones by 2018.. More than 90% of all NFC-equipped smartphone models and more than 80% of all NFC-enabled point-of sales terminals use NXP technology.

Why is NFC useful  in our lives?

Because this simple and intuitive technology lets you initiate interaction with a simple touch. It’s fast and easy to use, like nothing else we’ve ever experienced.

You can use NFC for payments, just by tapping your card or NFC-enabled smartphone to complete the transaction quicker and easier than ever before. You can use NFC to access home, apartment buildings, hotels… just tap-and-enter, with enhanced security and possible remote key distribution and management. NFC can also be used for loyalty programs, couponing, personalized messaging,  automatic fare collection, virtual access, with home appliances and consumer electronics to extend their features and convenience…

The NXP website is your starting point for any NFC design. You’ll find online resources that help you select a product, order samples, and begin development.

Learn more at

To download the brochure please click here

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Now your wearable is your wallet!

The easiest way to develop, provision, and manage any kind of secure NFC wearable. Watch the video about NXP’s Secure NFC Wearable technology, and the Secure Services Development Platform Kit.

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